Looking for Flood Victims for a Basement Revamp

Looking for Flood Victims for a Basement Revamp - Image 1Was your home damaged in the 2008 floods? Are you unable to afford the repairs needed to fix your home? Badger Basement Systems is looking for a needy family with a house that was damaged in last year's flooding for a complete basement overall.

Nominees must reside in Fort Atkinson and have substantial flood damage from 2008. The value of the waterproofing system will be determined by the size of the winning basement. The deadline for nomination submissions is Friday, May 15.

Nomination entries should be sent to Badger Basement Systems, Attn.: Fort Flood Relief, Flood Renewal Nominee, P.O. Box 158, Fort Atkinson, WI, 53538.

For more information, read the article written by the Daily Union: http://dailyunion.com/main.asp?Search=1&ArticleID=1963&SectionID=36&SubSectionID=110&S=1

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